Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Decorating the Town
Fruit and Meat Sales
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Barnwarming - November 21
Barnwarming 2011 will be on Monday, November 21 at 6:00 p.m. A BBQ pork meal will be served in the high school commons area with the Barnwarming festivities to follow in the Agriculture Shop.
Hope to see you there!
Leadership School Results
11/10/11 at Holton
Senior Division
Senior Team
Overall - 3rd Place
Parliamentary Procedure Team - 3rd Place
Ritual Team - 3rd Place
FFA Team Information - 2nd Place
Senior Indiviual
Parlaw Information Test
Aaron Halling - 6th Place
Mater Ritual
Treasurer- BreAnne Caudle
FFA Information Test
Maggie Johnson - 2nd Place
Aisha Diveley - 7th Place
Greenhand A Team
Overall - 3rd Place
Parlaw - 3rd Place
Rituals - 8th Place
FFA Information - 2nd
A Team Individuals
FFA Information Test
Regan Gibson - 3rd Place
Tyhan Bollinger - 8th Place
Brandon Caudle - 10th Place
Greenhand B Team
Rituals - 6th Place
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
In memory of John Burke
Click here to read John's obituary.
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 24, 2011
We Are FFA - 84th National FFA Convention
Despite some rainy, cold and windy weather in Indianapolis, the trip was a great success and we can't wait to go back next year!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Doniphan County Ag Day
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Fall CDE Day
Nursery/landscape A Team
-1st Maggie Johnson
-2nd Laura Rush
-3rd Katrina Miller
-4th Tyler Diveley
-5th Mason Rush
-6th Kassiday Blevins
-7th Dylan Wood
Nursery/landscape B Team
-2nd BreAnne Caudle
-3rd Aisha Diveley
-6th Jessica Neibling
-7th Julie Vonderschmidt
-8th Brielle Clary
-9th Meghan Larson
-10th Abby Fee
Entomology A Team
-2nd Dylan Wood
-7th Aaron Halling
Entomology B Team
-6th Ian Bollinger
-9th Adam Wilmes
Congratulations to everyone! Keep up the good work! :) :)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
FFA Tailgate
We also had a spin the wheel raffle. Patrons could buy a ticket for a dollar and if their name was drawn they got to spin the prize wheel. Prizes ranged from a coat donated by Highland Hardware, a free haircut a Hair Fanatics, gift cards to Highland Convenience, candy,pop, and cookies.
Despite several rain delays we had a successful tailgate!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
September 12 Chapter Meeting Minutes
Location: High School Gym
Start Time: 3:00
Presiding Officer: President Aaron Halling
I. Opening Ceremonies
II. Officer Reports
a. Reporter- Laura Rush
i. Check out blog
ii. Add a positive comment and you get candy as a reward!
b. Treasurer- BreAnne Caudle
i. $682 earned at tailgate
ii. New chapter balance of $5,695
c. Secretary- Maggie Johnson
i. Hand out student information sheets
d. Student Advisor- Derek Gibson
i. T-shirts and Hoodie sign-up
1. T-shirts $12.25
2. Hoodies $32
e. Vice President- Aisha Diveley
i. POA announcements
1. Committee sign-ups
III. No Committee Reports
IV. No Old Business
V. No New Business
VI. No Presentations
VII. No Announcements
VIII. Activity
a. FFA Trivia
IX. Luke Rush moved to adjourn meeting, BreAnne Caudle seconds, and Aaron Halling adjourns
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
State Convention
Friday, May 6, 2011
State CDE's
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Chapter Banquet
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Chapter Banquet - 60th Anniversary

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Local FFA Chapter Plant Sales
The Doniphan West High School FFA Chapter is having their annual plant sales on:
Saturday, April 16 from 7am -11am.
Thursday, April 21 from 8am-3:30pm.
Saturday, April 23 from 7am-11am.
Saturday, April 30 from 7am-11am.
Here are some of the plants that are up for sale:
Friday, April 8, 2011
Spring CDE Results
Top Performers - Luke Rush, Samantha Albers, Ian Bollinger
Fort Scott Aggie Days, April 1
Floriculture - Katherine Rush, 5th; Ashley Courtin, 20th; Team #1, 7th.Dairy Foods - Josh Van Laar
District Super CDE Day, April 6
Ag Communications -
A-Team (1st overall) - Katherine Rush, 2nd (press release); Mackenzie Cunningham, 5th (broadcast), Stephanie Scales, 6th (graphic design), Valerie Neibling, 7th (news writing)B-Team (1st overall) - BreAnne Caudle, 1st (press release), Gabby Speer, 3rd (graphic design), Kassiday Blevins, 4th (news writing), Aisha Diveley, 5th (broadcast)
Dairy Foods -
A-Team (6th overall) - Aisha Diveley, 2ndFood Science-
A-Team - Emma-Leigh Herrs, 11thB-Team - Maggie Johnson, 4th; Jessica Neibling, Luke Rush
Floriculture -
A- Team (1st overall) - Katherine Rush, 1st; Keaton Blevins, 2nd; Rachel Keller, 5th; Ashley Courtin, 6th; Taryn Gibson, 7th; Stephanie Scales, 9th; Nick Johnson, 10th
B- Team (1st overall) - Rachel Rush, 1st; Kassiday Blevins, 2nd; Laura Rush, 3rd; Michelle Johnson, 4th; Jessica Pickman, 5th; Katrina Miller, 6th; Dylan Wood, 7th; Jessica Neibling, 9th; Maggie Johnson, 10th
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
State Proficiency Award Winners
Brennan Davis - Ag Services
Kayla Schmitz - Diversified Horticulture
Nick Johnson - Forestry Management and Products
Katherine Rush - Vegetable Production
Please congratulate these students if you see them!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Why Robin Thinks You Should Join FFA
- Food Science - students did the triangle test with Cheeze-Its and Soda
- FFA Information - students answered questions in FFA Jeopardy for prizes
- Startburst Judging - students placed a "class" of starbursts on placing cards and listened to a set of reasons
- Horticulture - students learned about cuttings and transplanting, as well as Floriculture ID.
- A great opportunity to meets tons of new people
- It's fun!
- Get to go to National Convention (if you work hard enough)
- Any member can go to state convention in Manhattan, Kansas
- Cool awards
- Gain responsibility
- Learn leadership
- You can get out of school :)
- Awesome ag teachers
- All the different CDE's (contests) you can participate in
FFA isn't just about farming, FFA teaches many things and it is a blast. There are many cool Ag classes available at Doniphan West. Just click on the Doniphan West Agricultural Education link (under Pages here to the right) to view them.
Parents, if you have kids that are going to be in high school next year, definitely encourage them to be in FFA!
Students, some of my most memorable things that happened in high school involved FFA! You won't regret it!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Second Grade Plant Visit
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Doniphan West District Stars
Friday, March 4, 2011
Selection Day
Keaton Blevins and Katherine Rush were named district finalists for Star in Placement and Star in Agribusiness, respectively. They will continue the District Star process by interviewing on March 7. The district winners will be announced then. Meanwhile, Laura Rush was named the Northeast District Star Greenhand in Agribusiness for her work in vegetable and fruit production.
Members that received their state degrees were Keaton Blevins, Ben Petrik, Katherine Rush, Stephanie Scales, Austin Veach and Tanner Veach. To receive the state degree an FFA member must productively earn and invest at least $2000 or work a minimum of 600 hours in their Supervised Agricultural Experience program.
The proficiency award winners were:
Brennan Davis - Ag Services, Ag Mechanics Repair and Maintenance
Nick Johnson - Forestry Management
Katherine Rush - Vegetable Production
Stephanie Scales - Specialty Animal Production
Kayla Schmitz - Diversified Horticulture
Tyler Diveley was the runner-up in Dairy Production Placement and Ben Petrik ranked 3rd in Home and/or Community Development.
Students that won their proficiency area will be recognized at the Northeast District Banquet on April 25. Their applications will advance to the state level which will be judged on March 19.
Our Year, So Far
- We kicked off our events with an officer retreat. For this officer retreat, we went camping and canoeing. While on our retreat we worked on the Program of Activities (POA) for the upcoming year.
- After school started our first big event was our FFA Tailgate fundraiser on Sept. 17. We also received a generous grant for $2,000 from Monsanto.
- Greenhand Conference was the first competition of the year. At Greenhand Conference freshmen compete in the FFA Information Test and participate in workshops to teach them about FFA.
- The next big event was National Convention! This is the highlight of theyear for many of the FFA members. This year, officers and Greenhand winners traveled to the big city of Indianapolis and participated in the many fun events such as the Career Show, workshops and sessions.
- Barnwarming is our chapter's other big fundraiser that took place in November. We host a meal for our community then move on to the Chores. A boy and girl were selected from each class to compete in the chores and FFA test. Seniors Nick Johnson and Mackenzie Cunningham were named our Beau and Sweetheart.
- Fruit sales rounded out our very busy semester. This year, we also started selling meat and cookie dough.
Our year has been successful so far and we hope to continue that success the rest of the year.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
FFA Scholarship
-K. Blevins
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
FFA Week Kick-Off Bowling
Members that attended were Robyn Boos, Alaine Caudle, Dillon Colborn, Steven Simmons, Josh Van Laar, Tyler Diveley, Ben Petrik, Aisha Diveley, Brielle Clary, Allen Dorrell, Jessica Neibling and Luke Rush.
Highlights of the night included bowling multiple games and even a "Trick Bowl Only" game.
Friday, February 11, 2011
District Meats
Whether it's beef, pork or lamb, we can judge it. The Northeast District Meats Evaluation Career Development Event was held February 10 at Easton. Keaton Blevins, placed 5th overall in the A-Team division with a score of 574. BreAnne Caudle, Aisha Diveley and Brook Fee made up the B-Team and placed 6th.
In this CDE members must evaluate carcasses based on yield and quality grade. They must also place carcasses or various cuts of meat, as well as identify retail cuts. Skills like this are used everyday in the animal and food industry. The yield and quality grade of meat are the driving factors for demand, which ultimately defines the price consumers will pay.
- Aisha Diveley, Reporter
**In the picture - FFA members work at placing a class of Beef Loins. This class is judged on the quality of the loin. You can determine the quality of a cut of meat by looking at the marbling, or intramuscular fat found within the loin eye.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Save the Date!