Whether it's beef, pork or lamb, we can judge it. The Northeast District Meats Evaluation Career Development Event was held February 10 at Easton. Keaton Blevins, placed 5th overall in the A-Team division with a score of 574. BreAnne Caudle, Aisha Diveley and Brook Fee made up the B-Team and placed 6th.
In this CDE members must evaluate carcasses based on yield and quality grade. They must also place carcasses or various cuts of meat, as well as identify retail cuts. Skills like this are used everyday in the animal and food industry. The yield and quality grade of meat are the driving factors for demand, which ultimately defines the price consumers will pay.
- Aisha Diveley, Reporter
**In the picture - FFA members work at placing a class of Beef Loins. This class is judged on the quality of the loin. You can determine the quality of a cut of meat by looking at the marbling, or intramuscular fat found within the loin eye.