- Food Science - students did the triangle test with Cheeze-Its and Soda
- FFA Information - students answered questions in FFA Jeopardy for prizes
- Startburst Judging - students placed a "class" of starbursts on placing cards and listened to a set of reasons
- Horticulture - students learned about cuttings and transplanting, as well as Floriculture ID.
It's important to us and the future of our FFA chapter to get as many members as possible. So here are some reasons why you should join our FFA chapter.
- A great opportunity to meets tons of new people
- It's fun!
- Get to go to National Convention (if you work hard enough)
- Any member can go to state convention in Manhattan, Kansas
- Cool awards
- Gain responsibility
- Learn leadership
- You can get out of school :)
- Awesome ag teachers
- All the different CDE's (contests) you can participate in
FFA isn't just about farming, FFA teaches many things and it is a blast. There are many cool Ag classes available at Doniphan West. Just click on the Doniphan West Agricultural Education link (under Pages here to the right) to view them.
Parents, if you have kids that are going to be in high school next year, definitely encourage them to be in FFA!
Students, some of my most memorable things that happened in high school involved FFA! You won't regret it!