The Doniphan West High School FFA Chapter is having their annual plant sales on:
Saturday, April 16 from 7am -11am.
Thursday, April 21 from 8am-3:30pm.
Saturday, April 23 from 7am-11am.
Saturday, April 30 from 7am-11am.
Here are some of the plants that are up for sale:
Tomatoes-single $0.50
4-pack $1.50
6-pack $2.00
Flat $12.oo
Bedding Plants-Single $0.50
6-pack $2.00
Hanging Baskets-Flowering $14.00
Foliage $12.00
Geranium Pots- $2.00
Large Geranium Containers- $35.00
Please come support your local FFA Chapter to raise money for FFA trips such as State and National Conventions.