Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 12 Chapter Meeting Minutes

Date: September 12th, 2011

Location: High School Gym

Start Time: 3:00

Presiding Officer: President Aaron Halling

I. Opening Ceremonies

II. Officer Reports
a. Reporter- Laura Rush
i. Check out blog
ii. Add a positive comment and you get candy as a reward!
b. Treasurer- BreAnne Caudle
i. $682 earned at tailgate
ii. New chapter balance of $5,695
c. Secretary- Maggie Johnson
i. Hand out student information sheets
d. Student Advisor- Derek Gibson
i. T-shirts and Hoodie sign-up
1. T-shirts $12.25
2. Hoodies $32
e. Vice President- Aisha Diveley
i. POA announcements
1. Committee sign-ups
III. No Committee Reports
IV. No Old Business
V. No New Business
VI. No Presentations
VII. No Announcements
VIII. Activity
a. FFA Trivia
IX. Luke Rush moved to adjourn meeting, BreAnne Caudle seconds, and Aaron Halling adjourns