Thirteen members from the Doniphan West FFA Chapter ventured from Highland, Kansas to Indianapolis, Indiana last week for the 83rd National FFA Convention. Although this is only my second year teaching this was my eighth National Convention and I can say with 100% of my heart that this was one of the most exciting conventions I have been to. If you read the last two blog posts you would know that D-West had two national proficiency finalists in Brennan Davis and Kayla Schmitz, and that Brennan was named the winner in Agricultural Mechanics Design and Fabrication.

Winning a proficiency award at any level - local to national- is a BIG DEAL. To be named a national finalist is an honor that only 188 FFA members across the nation get to experience each year. 188 out of 523,309 members, or 0.035925%. And of those 188 finalists, there are only 47 that are named winners.
If you see Brennan or Kayla be sure to congratulate them. They both did awesome representing Doniphan West and Kansas at National Convention.
Here's a quick run-down of D-West's time at National Convention
Wednesday -
- Left D-West @ 4:00 a.m.
- Saw Lady Antebellum!
Thursday -
- Opening Session- National Officer Reflections, Challenge from Dr. Larry D. Case (The Coolest Owl EVER); Josh Shipp-Motivational Speaker
- Career Show- Completed intense and super-fun Scavenger Hunt
- Proficiency Luncheon for Mr. Schmitz, Miss T, Kayla and Brennan
- Comedy Sportz - seriously funny
Friday -
- Career Show, finished super-fun Scavenger Hunt
- Student Workshops (1. X Files - The Case of Social Change, 2. Gut Check Time)
- 6th Session - Watched Kayla, Brennan, Mr. Schmitz and Miss T on the Big Screen!
- Brennan TV and Radio interviews
- Intense Lazer Tag and Arcading
- And a goat