Tuesday, March 20, 2012

State Proficiency Winners

Two members of the Doniphan FFA chapter were named state proficiency award winners:

Laura Rush- Diversified Horticulture
Keaton Blevins- Agricultural Services

Because of their accomplisments, they will be able to continue on to the national level.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Greenhouse is Blooming

Agricultural education students at Doniphan West have been working in the greenhouse for the past several weeks for the upcoming FFA plant sales. Preparations in the greenhouse have included transplanting plugs, arranging hanging baskets and large planters, and watering. Some of the plants that will be for sale are:
Bedding Plants
-Sweet Alyssum
-Zonal Geranium
-Garden Petunia

Hanging Baskets
-Wandering Jew
-Swedish Ivy
-Bridal Veil
-Purple Heart
-Zonal Geranium
-Garden Petunia

Large Planters
-Zonal Geranium
-Vinca Vine
-Sweet Potatoe Vine

Dates and times of the plant sales will be announced later in the spring.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Students receive awards for work in agriculture

Several members of the Doniphan West FFA Chapter received recognition for their Supervised Agricultural Experience programs Wednesday, Feb. 29, at the Northeast District Selection Day. District proficiency winners' application will advance to state judging on March 17. State degree recipients will be recognized at the Northeast District FFA Banquet and the Kansas FFA State Convention.
District Proficiency Winners
Keaton Blevins - Agricultural Services
Ian Bollinger - Landscape Management
Allen Dorrell - Agricultural Sales
Laura Rush - Diversified Horticulture
Luke Rush - Grain Production

District Proficiency Runner-up
Ian Bollinger - Turfgrass Management
Laura Rush - Vegetable Production

Kansas FFA State Degree
Tyler Diveley
Derek Gibson
Aaron Halling
Dylan Wood

District Star Finalist
Tyler Diveley - Placement

District Star Greenhand Winner
Allen Dorrell - Agribusiness

District Star Greenhand Runner-Up
Ian Bollinger - Placement
Luke Rush - Farmer